Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Why Zoning Your Home's HVAC System Makes Sense

By Debra Reynolds

It's hard to say how much the average household spends on indoor climate control annually, but it's quite a tidy amount. In most cases, this means paying to heat or cool every room within at the same time. If that sounds familiar, chances are that you've wondered if there's a less-wasteful way to go about this. As it turns out, there's a perfect answer for you in the form of HVAC Cape Coral zoning.

A zoned heating and cooling system is one whose ductwork is installed with special airflow control mechanisms (known as dampers). This is done to subdivide the building into segments, each of which has its own programmable thermostat. Also included in the setup is a central control panel to allow for easy management and oversight.

The addition of components to an existing mechanism always involves an increase in complexity, and zoning an AC system is no exception. At this point, you're probably wondering why you'd choose this when you could just upsize the equipment instead. Well, having one thermostat managing temperature throughout your home is like controlling all your lights using a single switch. No need to point out that both instances contradict common sense, but it's worth taking a look at other benefits that zoning has to offer:

Energy Savings: Zoning will eliminate the need to circulate air throughout the house just to heat/cool a single room. If studies are anything to go by, this could cut down your home's energy consumption by 30%. Your carbon footprint will also shrink, which means you'll be making a bigger contribution towards sustainability.

Convenience: Having the ability to control temperatures in all areas of your home is extremely convenient isn't it? But what if you introduced remote controls into the equation? Needless to say, it's the kind of control that every homeowner dreams of. Much to your delight, zoning can transform it into an everyday reality.

Consistency and Quality: With a zoned system, you'll never have to worry about temperature fluctuations across the space. More importantly, it will minimize the circulation of air around the house. This keeps contaminants from spreading as easily as they would with a traditional setup.

The formula for zoning heating and AC equipment varies across instances, but it's worth noting that there are many variables involved in the process. A successful configuration always starts with a study of the structure. This allows the installation to be designed in accordance with the layout and size of the space. Also crucial is the need to test for airflow performance in each zone afterwards. In most cases, a failure to realize the gains from zoning isn't caused by sub-par equipment, but rather the lack of technical expertise.

Truth be told, zoning a heating and cooling setup is quite the hefty investment. This is however balanced by its effectiveness in practice -- no alternative offers a similar improvement in performance without compromising comfort. So don't think too much about its cost, but rather the savings you stand to reap in the long term. That aside, involving a professional in the planning process will be a smart move on your part.

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