Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Become A Donor At An American Red Cross Blood Drive

By Stephen Baker

Did you know that you don't have to be present to save someone's life? Yet many people around the country and the world do this every single day and are never aware of it on a personal level. This is what happens when you choose to become a donor at an American Red Cross Blood Drive. You become that person who saves a life somewhere.

Whether you choose to participate as a donor or the host of an event, you will be helping to save countless lives by collecting donated blood for use in area hospitals and emergency rooms. This could be one way that you give back to your community and help those who need it most. It doesn't cost anything to become a donor and the lives that you save will be well worth the effort.

Area hospitals are in need of this life giving substance and many do not have enough supplies on hand to cover a major emergency in which it may be required. This is why it is important to choose to become a donor and help to build up the supplies for those potential emergencies. The entire process is easy and doesn't take much time. You can become a donor and finish the process in a matter of minutes. Know that your choice will save many lives.

You will show your various forms of identification and any medications that you are taking. You will then be set up to donate which takes approximately 8 to 10 minutes. It takes about 1 or 2 hours for other live giving substances such as plasma collection.

Many lives have been saved by the many people who choose to become donors. They are unaware how many lives they have saved but they rest in the knowledge that someone out there is alive because of their life-changing decision to become a donor.

Planning such an event takes time and involves many people. The Red Cross will do their part in the collection and processing of donors, you just need to be sure to get them there to donate. This is what working together as a team is all about.

The more awareness that you spread, the greater the chance that more people will participate and become active donors. Those who continue to donate throughout their lives are the ones who keep the current supplies available for those who may need them.

Accidents happen and in an emergency, it is important to have what is needed to save a life. If blood supplies are short this may shortchange someone out of their very lives. For some, deciding to become donors is an honor and a responsibility they take very seriously. Choose to give the gift of life and become a donor or host an event today. Someone's life may be at stake and your decision just may be the one that saves their lives.

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